Career Pathways

Career Pathways is an independent careers advice service for young disabled people. Our career advisers will work with you to set you on the path to succeed.


Career Pathways is free and open to young people who are:

  • disabled or have an impairment or condition
  • live in London or Leeds for face-to-face support
  • live in England and Wales for online support
  • aged 15 to 25

Apply for careers advice

You can apply yourself or on behalf of someone else.

Career adviser sessions

You will be offered up to 3 one-hour sessions with a specialist career adviser to:

  • make you aware of all the career options and the employment routes open to you
  • develop your career goals and create an action plan to help you achieve them

Face-to-face support

If you live in London or Leeds, you can choose to have adviser sessions face-to-face or online.

If you live somewhere else in England or Wales, you can access the service online or by phone.

My adviser was supportive, accessible and kind. I had an initial idea of where I wanted to go with my goals, which she then built on to explore careers and give me specific advice that I hadn't received from any other careers service. We went through my career values, explored options using several tools and she allowed me plenty of time to talk about my experiences.

Career Pathways customer

Access eLearning with Learn at Scope

Learn at Scope is a convenient and simple eLearning platform that will help you get into work.

Designed to make your job search and career progression easier. Giving you access to tools and developing your skills to get the job you want or boost your career.

Ask your adviser how you can access Learn at Scope.

Access to our Jobs board

As part of this service, you will get access to our jobs board which contains hundreds of job vacancies you can apply for.

Speak to your adviser if you want to use the jobs board.

Making adjustments

We can provide adjustments if you need them, such as:

Careers sessions for students

If you are a school, college or university and would like to discuss offering Career Pathways sessions to your student, please get in touch.

The main thing I've noticed is the confidence that students have gained - it is clear you have helped to alleviate their anxieties and given them clear direction, which is so important at this transitional moment in their academic careers.

Isabel Sempill, Hammersmith Academy

Careers: further support and advice

We have lots of information online about work and careers

Work and careers advice for disabled people.

Contact Career Pathways