Join Scope's research panel

Your voice and lived experience can help Scope achieve equality for disabled people.

Our research panel is a group of disabled people and parents and carers of disabled children. They tell us about their lived experience which helps us in all aspects of our work. This includes: policy campaigns, content and helping our partners become accessible.

Being a Scope Panellist can involve:

  • completing surveys
  • taking part in discussion groups
  • one to one interviews
  • user testing
  • mystery shopping

Projects often have a voucher or entry into a prize draw as a thank you for your time and effort.

The research may be online or in person. If in person, we will cover your travel costs.

Once you have registered, you will need to complete a short survey. We need this information to offer you relevant projects.

You're in control

  • You have complete control over what you sign up for, and the flexibility to contribute as little or as much time as you like.
  • We might occasionally send you your information on projects we think you might like, but we won't bombard you with requests.
  • You can change your preferences or leave the panel at any time.

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