Disability benefits without the fight

We are calling on the government to give disabled people the right to request an appropriate assessor.

Getting the wrong decision means that many disabled people are having to go through stressful appeals processes. And are having to fight for the benefits they need and are entitled to.

The campaign so far

We submitted a comprehensive response to the Government’s welfare green paper, backed by submissions from over 700 disabled people with lived experiences of the benefits system.

Over 30,000 supporters signed our petition calling for disabled people to have the right to request an appropriate assessor.

47 MPs from across the political spectrum signed a cross-party letter also supporting our call for an appropriate assessor.

We created a benefits appeals map for you and your MP to find out important information about appeals in your area, including hearing from disabled people claiming or appealing benefits in your area.

What is next for this campaign?

Following are response to the Government's welfare green paper, we are waiting to see the welfare white paper to see what changes have been made.

A benefits system that’s failing disabled people

Time and again assessors are getting benefits decisions wrong. Taking vital support away from disabled people and their families, creating enormous amounts of stress, anxiety and pushing many into poverty.

  • Less than half (48%) of people who had an assessment were given Personal Independence Payments (PIP).
  • Three quarters (72%) of people who go to tribunal over their PIP decisions are given benefits.
  • Two thirds (66%) of Work Capability Assessment decisions were overturned on appeal.
  • between 2017 and 2019 the Government spent more than £120 million fighting benefits appeals.

The benefits system should be working for disabled people. Not against them.

Disability benefits: learn more

Find out more about benefits and appealing a decision.

Benefits support and advice

Challenging a DWP decision about benefits