Changing attitudes is a topic that is consistently raised by disabled people as a top priority.
Find out more about changing attitudes towards disabled people
At Scope, we believe negative attitudes and stereotypes are a root cause of the inequality faced by disabled people today.
Building on previous attitudes research carried out 5 years ago, we wanted to understand what attitudes disabled people face, and the effect that has on their work, education, and social lives.
Disabled people and their families experience a range of different attitudes and behaviours. Such as:
They were like, 'Hold on a minute, you're not disabled.' I said, 'I am, that's my name is written on the [blue] badge.' They were, like, 'No, you're not allowed, you don't look it.' You're sitting there thinking, 'Do I really need to look disabled? What does looking disabled mean to you?
Worryingly, disabled people also experienced verbal and even physical abuse.
Beginning of the first lockdown I was spat at, pushed and abused. I was being blamed because of (quote) 'spastic people' [who] needed to be protected, therefore a lockdown on everyone. I also stopped wearing the sunflower lanyard as that was just like antagonising the situation.
The sources of these negative attitudes are varied. Disabled people told us that this was most frequently experienced with:
Negative attitudes also commonly reported:
It’s concerning that negative attitudes were frequently experienced much closer to home too:
Negative attitudes can have a profound effect on disabled people’s lives.
9 out of 10 disabled people (87%) experiencing negative attitudes and behaviours said that they had a negative effect on their daily lives. This increased to 96% of disabled people aged 18 to 34. The personal impact of negative attitudes was more likely to be reported by disabled women.
The following experiences are looking back over the last 5 years:
Negative attitudes significantly affected disabled people looking for work or promotions.
35% said they avoided this completely because of their negative experiences.
Interviewers, employment support staff and benefits assessors had the biggest effect on disabled people when seeking employment or promotions.
30% of disabled people looking for education or training said they avoided doing so because of the attitudes they had experienced.
This was more common in younger disabled people aged 18 to 34 (36%), compared to 26% of disabled people aged 55 or over.
Disabled people said the media, work colleagues and family had the biggest effect on them, when look for education or training.
23% of disabled people avoided using public transport, after experiencing negative attitudes or behaviour while travelling.
13% avoided health and social care settings, after experiencing negative attitudes.
1 in 5 disabled people (23%) avoided going out to social gatherings following negative attitudes and behaviour.
Younger disabled people were over twice as likely to avoid going out (35%), compared to disabled people 55 or over (15%).
The public, family and friends had the biggest impact on their decisions about going out for social occasions.
Disabled people told us that change in the following areas needed prioritising:
Negative attitudes towards disabled people are still too common.
From occasional looks or stares to more severe accusations and verbal or physical abuse. It all adds up, making disabled people feel isolated, lonely, and withdrawn from society.
Disabled people highlighted the public, benefits system, the workplace, and the media as areas where attitudes need to improve.
Shifting attitudes requires action on many fronts. Organisations, institutions, and individuals all have a role to play. And they all need to work together.
There are some words that disabled people find hurtful or harsh. Either because it suggests they are helpless or they are words used as insults.
Learn about words most disabled people prefer.
We want organisations to use this research in their work to help improve attitudes. And we will be making more data available from this research soon.
We will also be doing more work on representation of disability in the media, news reporting. As well as disability campaigning highlighting the best ways to build empathy and improve attitudes.
We believe that an equal society is a better society. One where all disabled people can flourish.
This research is based on the following data.
We co-produced the questions and categories in the online survey with disabled people.
The development, design and delivery of this research programme was supported by a co-researcher.
You can also download and access our attitudes research in PDF.