Reporting on disability and employment

We want to help employers create a more inclusive workplace culture, and encourage disabled people to talk about disability at work.

We know that what gets measured gets done. That’s why we have produced a guide for employers to help them report on disability in the workplace.

A guide to reporting on disability employment

Our guide is aimed at employers that have 250 employees or more. But, smaller organisations may still find this guide useful.

Our guide provides employers with advice and guidance on how to collect and report on several disability measures in the workplace.

Topics covered by our guide

Gathering the right data

To fully understand the experiences of disabled employees, employers need to collect the right information.

We recommend that employers gather:

  • the number of disabled people they employ
  • information on the number and quality of adjustments offered
  • a comparison of average earnings between disabled and non-disabled staff
  • the number of disabled employees in each pay bracket.

Improving workplace culture

Collecting data about disabled people will be a crucial challenge.

Let’s Talk tells us that nearly half of disabled people worry about sharing their impairment or condition at work.

We recommend that employers:

  • explain to disabled employees why they are collecting this data
  • how collecting this will help disabled people in their job

Getting this right means disabled people will feel happier to open-up about their impairments or conditions at work.

Publishing disability employment data

By publishing disability data, employers will be able to demonstrate to current and future disabled employees that they are serious about creating an inclusive workplace.

Disability and wellbeing at Scope

We believe in leading by example. On 1 May 2019, we published our first disability and wellbeing report, and intend to build on this by publishing this report every year.

Disability and wellbeing report

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