Cerebral Palsy (CP) Network

The Cerebral Palsy (CP) Network is a group of people with lived experience of CP. The network supports the cerebral palsy community in England and Wales.

Who can join?

You can join the network, if you:

  • are 18 years or over
  • have lived experience of CP, or
  • support someone with CP. Including family, friends, partners or professionals.

To join, please email networkcp@scope.org.uk.

Support available through the CP Network

Being part of our CP Network gives you access to a variety of resources, support and community discussions.

Monthly meetings hosted by Scope

You can join monthly meetings where network members get together.

These meetings are hosting on online using Zoom, and take place on Wednesday evenings for 1 hour.

In these meetings, you will get to:

  • discuss a variety of topics, including ageing, personal assistants, employment and much more
  • hear from guest speakers
  • meet other members of the cerebral palsy community
  • learn about Scope's work

CP Network online community discussion

This is a space exclusively for CP Network members that are part of our online community.

You can use this forum to talk to other network members. This might include using the forum for:

  • continuing discussions from network meetings
  • suggesting future topics for discussion
  • socialising
  • sharing experiences, knowledge or looking for support

Monthly email newsletters

Members will receive a monthly email newsletter, keeping you up to date with the latest news and activities.

Cerebral Palsy Network logo

Contacting the Cerebral Palsy Network

If you have any questions about the Cerebral Palsy Network, please get in touch with us.

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