If you know which team you need to contact, please use the details below to get in touch with them.
Not sure who you should contact? please fill out our contact form.
Teams are listed in alphabetical order.
Email: scopepayments@scope.org.uk
Email: campaigns@scope.org.uk
Call: 0207 619 7155
Email: partnerships@scope.org.uk
Email: digitalservices@scope.org.uk
For website feedback, fill out our website feedback form
Call: 020 7619 7270
Email: events@scope.org.uk
Phone: 020 7619 7202
Email: giftsinwills@scope.org.uk
Post: Here East Press Centre, 14 East Bay Lane, London, E15 2GW
Email: recruitment@scope.org.uk
Email: HRops@scope.org.uk
Call: 01524 753 266
Email: lottery@scope.org.uk
Email: marketing@scope.org.uk
Email: pensions@scope.org.uk
During office hours call: 020 7619 7200
For out of hours call: 07843 467 948
Email: pressoffice@scope.org.uk
Email: procurement@scope.org.uk
Email: NewGoods@scope.org.uk
Email: retailfeedback@scope.org.uk
Call: 078 0704 2386
Email: researchpanel@scope.org.uk
If you have concerns about someone’s safety while involved in our activities or services. Or, if you have concerns about past abuse or neglect (incidents before May 2018).
Please get in touch with our Safeguarding Team at safeguarding@scope.org.uk.
You can also read our safeguarding policy.
If you think someone with care and support needs is at risk of being abused or neglected. You should contact the social care team at their local authority. If you have concerns that you or someone else is in imminent danger, call 999.
Supporting your business to become more inclusive and accessible to disabled people.
Scope for Business (business.scope.org.uk)
Email: business@scope.org.uk
For general enquiries call: 0808 800 3333
For service specific contacts, please see our individual services.
Email: retailfeedback@scope.org.uk
Call: 020 7619 7359
Email: logistics@scope.org.uk
Call: 020 3855 0838
Email: volunteering@scope.org.uk