Ethical and gift acceptance policy

Scope seeks supporters who share our vision, mission, and values.

This support could be:

  • financial
  • goods
  • or services

We seek supporters committed to improving the lives of disabled people through:

  • their work with Scope
  • their funding of Scope

Scope is committed to making decisions that are in the best interest of the charity, but first and foremost, in the interest of disabled people. This policy ensures that we do not compromise on our mission and values when it comes to raising income.

When considering donations, partnerships, and opportunities, we consider the perceived risk to our:

  • work
  • colleagues
  • reputation
  • financial position
  • and brand

Our Trustees and Executive Leadership Team review this policy regularly.

Our ethical funding standards

In accordance with charity law and practice, our trustees have a legal duty to maximize income and support for the charity.

If we decide not to enter a funding relationship, we must have good reason, such as:

  • An organisation or individual is engaged in activities that run counter to Scope’s vision.
  • The risk that the relationship may damage the reputation or standing of the charity is not worth the reward gained.

How we accept, refuse and refund donations

We believe that gifts are crucial if we are to realize our vision of equality.

Disabled people’s rights and their wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do, therefore we are rigorous when deciding whether to accept a donation from any source and follow our Ethical policy.

We assess each opportunity or donation individually. Our robust Donation Acceptance process balances the change we can create for disabled people against the risks.

We try to ensure that we make decisions that are in the best interests of disabled people. This means assessing potential risks to:

  • disabled people
  • our colleagues
  • Scope’s reputation and effectiveness

We review partnerships annually or when the risk of a partnership has changed materially.

We reserve the right to refuse donations or end partnerships where the activities of the organization or individual conflict with our goal of equality for disabled people.

We may refuse a donation from a particular company or industry. This does not stop us from accepting donations from employee fundraisers. We will refer such cases to the Head of Partnerships Income.

Scope sometimes receives funds anonymously. In these cases, we take reasonable steps to ensure that donations comply with this policy and with Charity Commission guidance.

Any donations of £25,000 or more from a single donor must be verifiable.

What is a no go donation?

We do not accept donations from any organization or individual whose wealth comes from the following harmful activities:

  • pornography
  • tobacco
  • arms manufacturing and export


If the Executive Leadership Team cannot reach a decision on a partnership, the CEO can refer the decision to the Board.

We need to recognize that it’s not always clear cut.

Scope recognizes that judgments will be subject to interpretation. We operate in an increasingly complex global environment in which it can be difficult to apply absolute standards.

We therefore evaluate each prospective partnership on a case-by-case basis and will take into account the extent to which an individual/organization has taken positive steps to mitigate or resolve past issues of concern. A partnership may also be reviewed subsequently at any time, subject to contractual obligations.

Legal information

This policy is for information only. It is not a binding contract and does not confer legal rights on any person. Scope reserves all rights (including copyright) in any information and materials provided under this policy.

Roles and responsibilities

Scope’s Board of Trustees is responsible for compliance with this policy.

Trustees delegate day-to-day responsibility for decisions on donation acceptance and refusal to:

  • the Chief Executive
  • the Investment Review Panel
  • and the Executive Leadership Team

All colleagues are responsible for adherence to this policy.