Philanthropy at Scope

With a gift of £5,000 or more to Scope, a dedicated member of our philanthropy team will support you and give you opportunities to see the impact of your gift.

You'll get:

  • personal updates to bring you closer to the people you support, including photos, quotes and insight from the people you've helped
  • detailed figures on how Scope is progressing against our strategic goals, so you can see the lasting influence of your generous contribution
  • invitations to exclusive events, where you can meet like minded supporters and involve your family in your support for Scope

Other ways to help

Our philanthropy team can work with you if you want to help in other ways too, for example:

  • connecting us with other like minded people and organisations
  • raising the profile of our national campaigns
  • helping us influence governments and create policy change

Projects your donation could support

Your donation can support Scope's work in general, or you can choose a specific area you'd like to support. We have lots of exciting and pioneering projects that need urgent funding:

Contact the philanthropy team

Get in touch to talk about how we can work together.

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