Disabled people must be a priority in the next election.

Read our open letter.

16 million people in the UK are disabled. We are 1 in 4 of the UK population. We are a force to be reckoned with and we want our potential to be recognised. Many disabled people think politicians are out of touch with their lives, or simply don’t care. Our manifesto for an equal future sets out the things disabled people tell us matter most, and the actions the next government needs to take.

We're sharing this open letter with leaders of political parties because we want our voices to be heard in this election.

Dear leaders of all political parties,

We are writing to urge you to prioritise disabled people in the upcoming election.

There are 16 million disabled people in the UK. We are one in four of the population. But too often we are left out, our needs sidelined and our voices ignored.

Scope has found that 77% of disabled people think politicians are out of touch with their lives.

This upcoming election is a chance to put this right and prioritise disabled people once and for all.

We want the next government to commit to ending the price tag that comes with disability. To close the disability employment gap. To fix our welfare system, and, to challenge outdated attitudes to disability.

We believe achieving these will bring huge benefits to the UK economy, to the living standards of our community and to society.

Change is possible.

With your support we can achieve an Equal Future for disabled people.

Yours sincerely,

Sir Robin Millar CBE, Scope Chair
Ade Adepitan
Dr Shani Dhanda
Ben Elton
Richard Herring
Adam Hills
Rosie Jones
Sophie Morgan
Samantha Renke
Lee Ridley
Adam Pearson
Victoria Jenkins
Mark Lane
Mollie Pearce
Yvonne Cobb