Why we are recognising Black History Month

October is Black History Month. The is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of Black people in the UK.

It also commemorates struggles for equality and rights. And is an opportunity for people to learn more about the impact of racism and the importance of challenging negative attitudes.

As the UK celebrates Black History Month, we are reflecting on why it is essential for Scope to acknowledge this important occasion.

Equality for everyone

At Scope, our mission is for a society where all disabled people enjoy equality and fairness. And we can’t achieve equality for disabled people unless we include everyone.

Being a disabled person is one of many layers of identity and experience. And we recognise that Black disabled people can face additional barriers and negative attitudes.

That’s why we want to promote greater inclusivity and amplify voices and stories from communities that are often overlooked. As well as helping to break down the barriers that Black disabled people face.

Amplifying Black disabled voices

Throughout the month, we are platforming more Black disabled people and hearing about their lives, experiences, and perspectives.

Earlier this month, Isaac Harvey MBE joined us on social media to explain why it’s important to amplify the voices of Black disabled people:

"The first Black disabled person I saw on television was a man called Ade (Adepitan), who is a wheelchair user. I saw him on Blue Peter and I thought yes, that could be me one day. And it has allowed me to continue to be the person I am today, sharing my lived experience with the wider world and being my authentic self."

An inclusive society

At Scope we aim to build a culture that’s accessible and inclusive first. By celebrating Black History Month, we take another step towards our vision of a fair and inclusive society. Our mission is incomplete until we create a society where everyone experiences equality and fairness.

Recognising Black History Month is just a small part of our equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) work.

You can learn about our work to become a more inclusive organisation in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy.

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