
1061 matches found

Work/Universal Credit/Limited capability for work UC50 Form

Hi I currently get universal credit with the limited capability work element of £126 extra per month. I also currently work part time 22 hrs per week but have been off sick 4 weeks with my depression ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Universal Credit (UC) - 22 Jan 2019

Scope community

My area is now covered by Universal Credit but i am on PIP and it states i cannot have UC

Hi all, I am new. I have been in receipt of Daily Living PIP standard amount since December 2016, i signed off JSA in January 2017 I am 27 and a dwarf and struggle daily, I was working between ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Universal Credit (UC) - 12 Nov 2017

Scope community

Universal credit decision letter (UCD174) we owe you some money. But none of it makes any sence

hi I have a very complicated inquiry about my claim on universal credit but to start off. I was claiming ESA for around 4 years. I got made fit for work. I went onto UC as my support worker told me ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Universal Credit (UC) - 16 Jun 2021

Scope community

Universal Credit UC50 - Causing intense mental distress and leaving me unable to complete the form

Hi Sorry this is quite long but I'm on the verge of having (another) mental breakdown. I don't know what to do and I REALLY need help with this UC50 form and I'm not getting any help with it. My ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Universal Credit (UC) - 25 Apr 2024

Scope community

From legacy benefits to Universal Credit

Is this universal credit affect everyone that's being changed over to UC. I'm on ESA Support group n pip it's just worrying at the moment and thinking the worse

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) - 18 Dec 2023

Scope community

Son Awarded DLA - New Universal Credit Changes

Hi All, I applied back in August/September 23 for my son whilst we were awaiting his autism assessment diagnosis as well as a referral/appointment for suspected ARFID. Good news is that I received a ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in PIP, DLA, and AA - 6 Feb 2024

Scope community

Moving from tax credits to universal credits " cost of living payments "

Hi all. My partner has recently been requested to move from her old style tax credits to universal credit. She's had to re apply for all her entitlements and due to this her tax credit benefits have ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Benefits and financial support - 5 Feb 2024

Scope community

Universal Credit Joint Claim Moving Jobs

Hi, I am currently recieving UC (Universal Credit) in a joint claim with my partner, I recieve LCWRA and we recieve housing costs, care element. My patner is going to moving employment in the NHS ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Universal Credit (UC) - 15 Jul 2023

Scope community

Universal credit questions

Hello all I want to ask I applied for Universal credit.. I been to Commitment meeting at job centre then online UC I accepted commitment it say statement ready on whenever I'm March and payment in ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Universal Credit (UC) - 15 Feb 2023

Scope community

Universal Credit LCWRA help!!

Hi, I’ve been unable to work for a couple years due to physical impairments and have been claiming PIP and Universal Credit’s LCWRA. im just wondering as my partner has just moved in, we’ve let all ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Benefits and financial support - 17 Apr 2023

Scope community