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Savings thresholds for UC unchanged in a decade.

I understand that UC is affected after £6000 in savings is exceeded. After some research, I found that this figure is unchanged since 2014. Allowing for inflation, this figure should now be c.£7000 ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Universal Credit (UC) - 2 May 2024

Scope community

Help understanding the savings cap with a student grant.

Hello guys! To cut a long story short i have recently started a course with the open uni and it has been going great! I was also able to receive a student grant to assist me but im a just a tad ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Benefits and financial support - 24 Apr 2024

Scope community

Savings universal credit

Hi, I get universal credit and had a car accident 2019 and getting paid out £7400, when you get paid out for a car accident your money isn’t counted as savings for 52 weeks so it’s ignored for a year, ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Universal Credit (UC) - 20 Jul 2022

Scope community

Inheritance. Will this effect any of my benefits? How much savings am I allowed?

Hi I am disabled, I have received an inheritance from my parents, I get housing benefit and I am on ESA support, I also receive PIP and Industrial injuries payment. Will this effect any of my ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Benefits and financial support - 11 Jul 2022

Scope community

Pension Savings Credit / Attendance Allowance

Hi there, hope this finds you all well. I’m hoping someone can help after hours of web searching! I helped my parents apply for Pension Credit back in October 2021. It was approved and they receive £5 ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Benefits and financial support - 3 May 2022

Scope community

Savings threshold

Hi Just a quick question, Has the lower tier of savings - £6000 been scrapped?. Is it just over £10,000 now?

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) - 9 Dec 2020

Scope community

ESA: Will compensation go against me or be classified as savings?

Just a query I have received this esa3 form to fill in as I was transferred from contribution based incapacity to contribution based esa a long time ago the form asks as far back as 2012 my husband ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) - 19 Dec 2018

Scope community


I got £8000 back date and I'm going to get high rate care and low rate mobility on top of my monthly universal credit and LCWRA amount. So my question is will my pip backdate money and my future ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in PIP, DLA, and AA - 27 Mar 2024

Scope community

Savings over 6,000

Hello, I got a letter from the benefits office to tell me my ESA payment will increase in April. In the letter it mentions informing them of any changes in circumstances, my circumstances have not ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) - 14 Jan 2024

Scope community

Is there a savings limit for AA, pension credits and housing reductions?

Hi all, I'm on attendance allowance and get pension tax credits, I have housing and council tax reductions, I'm 75 years old and wondered what the savings limit is on these benefits? Sorry if this ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in PIP, DLA, and AA - 26 Oct 2023

Scope community