
210 matches found

About myself. I'm looking for volunteering roles at the moment

Hi my name is Niamh, I’m 21 years old and I’m from the uk in Wales and I’m currently trying to find a volunteering job at the moment

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Coffee lounge - 24 Sep 2021

Scope community

Tips for volunteering as a disabled person

This week, 1st-7th June, is Volunteers' Week. To say thank you to all of our amazing community champions, we are hearing from @emmarenshaw who is sharing her experiences and top tips. The online ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Disability rights and campaigning - 1 Jun 2020

Scope community

"Does Volunteering leads to friendship?"- International Friendship Day

Does Volunteering leads to friendship? International Friendship Day 06/08/17 Hi all, I just would like to know your opinion on above topic" Does Volunteering leads to friendship? If you volunteering ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Research and opportunities - 15 Jul 2017

Scope community

Volunteering Advice

Hello, I am 31 and I unfortunately I have no real work or volunteering history, which I know isn’t a good thing. I’m currently looking into volunteering, as I need to start moving my life forward, ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Work and employment - 15 Apr 2024

Scope community

CP Network: Let’s talk about Volunteering on 12 June 2024

Join us for our CP Network session on June 12, where we will focus on Volunteers Week 2024. We are excited to announce that Rachel Haine, the Volunteering Development Coordinator at Scope, will join ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Cerebral palsy - 5 Jun 2024

Scope community


I have looked for volunteering but nowhere are taking anyone on can someone help me, please. I would prefer to be in a child care setting if anyone is willing to help me out, please.

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Work and employment - 23 Feb 2021

Scope community

Mayor of London's inclusive EURO 2020 Volunteering Opportunity

I just wanted to let everyone know about this great volunteering opportunity for the UEFA EURO 2020 football tournament next year. The Mayor of London is recruiting volunteers for the London Squad to ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Research and opportunities - 30 Aug 2019

Scope community

My volunteering experiences

I’m Shona, a 20 year old blogger, writer, powerchair user, activist, volunteer and more. For nearly 7 years I’ve been sharing my thoughts on my blog about what I’m passionate about, including ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Disability rights and campaigning - 10 Dec 2018

Scope community

volunteering and on benefits

Would like to do volunteering one day a week, I am currently on PIP and ESA, would I need to tell the job centre I am volunteering as I don't want them to think I can work full time, I just want to ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) - 8 May 2018

Scope community

The Importance of Volunteering

There’s no denying that having a disability can make it harder to find employment, employers often have outdated attitudes on disability, and disabled people regularly come across jobs that aren’t ...

Profile picture of the author Discussion in Disability rights and campaigning - 5 Dec 2018

Scope community