Donate in memory

A donation in memory is a quick and easy way to honour a loved one.

Every donation helps us to continue supporting disabled people and their families.

Support like:

  • Information and advice
  • Employment and Family services
  • Campaigning for equality

Donating in someone’s name

If you’re donating to us online, you can tell us the name of the person you are donating in memory of.

Donate in someone's name

Donating by post

Download and print out our donation form (PDF 590KB).

When filling out the form, please tell us the name of the person you’re remembering.

You can send donation forms to:

In Memory Giving team



Here East Press Centre, 14 East Bay Lane,

E15 2GW

If you are donating with a cheque, please make it payable to Scope. We ask that you avoid sending cash donations in the post.

Funeral and memorial collections

Family and friends can make donations at the funeral or memorial service. This can be in-person or through an online collection.

Funeral and memorial collections

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