Funeral and memorial collections

Funerals and memorial services can be an important time to come together with friends and family. Sharing memories and celebrating the life of a loved one.

You can include details about:

  • the funeral dates
  • cemetery location
  • remembrance service or wake information

If you would like to ask for donations to Scope. You can set up an online funeral collection.

Create an online collection

Creating a funeral collection online is quick and simple to do.

  1. tell us a bit about you and your loved one
  2. add the funeral date, time and location so people can find it
  3. personalise your collection with photos
  4. share the link

In-person collections

If you would like talk to someone about organising a collection at the funeral for Scope.

Please contact our In Memory team by calling 020 7619 7707 or emailing

We are enormously grateful that you are considering giving to Scope in memory of your loved one.

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