Find jobs matching your skills

When looking for work, think about jobs that match your skills. To do this:

  1. Work out what you’re good at and the skills that you enjoy using.
  2. Think about skills you have developed through hobbies, training, previous jobs or other experiences, such as caring for someone.
  3. Look for roles where these skills will be valuable.

If you’re not sure what you’re good at, try making a list or talking to someone. People who know you well could help you identify your strengths.

Support to Work Extra offers advice to disabled people looking for work.

Or you could use online jobs skills tests to help you identify your skills and explore your interests and motivations.

For example, if you’re passionate about supporting other people, the charity sector might be a good area to look at.

National Careers Service Skills Health Check

Use results from the job skills tests as a starting point for finding a suitable job.

Finding work that interests you

You can search for roles you’re interested in to find out what skills are needed.

National Careers Service job profiles

Career Pathways is an independent careers advice service for young disabled people aged 16 to 25. You can talk to a specialist career adviser. The support provided is tailored around your interests.

Career Pathways

Find out which jobs you could do with what degree.

Career Planner and Job Match (Prospect)

When looking for work, knowing what you would not like can be just as useful.

Search for companies you'd like to work for

Look at job advertisements online

Even if you are not ready to apply yet, you can look at ads on job sites. This will give you information about the types of roles that you’d enjoy.

Finding jobs

Find out more about specific roles

If there are any companies you’d like to work for, search their websites for vacancies and look at the ‘job specification’. This will tell you the skills required.

Disability-friendly employers

Talk to people already in these roles

You may find these people through:

  • social networks like LinkedIn
  • networking events
  • people you know

Looking for a job on social media

To find out if a job is for you, ask yourself:

Last reviewed by Scope on: 12/02/2024

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