Members Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct applies to all Scope Members, with some additional requirements for Assembly Members.

Agreeing to this code of conduct is a requirement of joining Scope's membership.


The Code of Conduct sets the standard of behaviour and attitudes we expect from Members and Assembly Members. It is designed to guide and support you with your role and responsibilities.

Expectations for our members

All members

As a member you should:

  1. act in the interests of Scope.
  2. promote equality, diversity and inclusion and treat others with respect.
  3. uphold and defend Scope's vision, mission and values.
  4. not disclose confidential information received during the Annual General Meeting, Assembly Meetings, or in any other Scope meetings or communications.
  5. immediately inform the Company Secretary in the event of allegations of criminal behaviour, criminal proceedings being brought against them, or allegations that would reasonably be considered of concern from a safeguarding perspective.
  6. must keep Scope informed of current contact details.

Assembly members

As an assembly member

  1. commit to attending 2 meetings a year, including the Annual General Meeting. These will be with our Trustees and Leadership team.
  2. take into consideration the feedback and opinions of the wider membership, as gathered through surveys and meetings.
  3. with the Membership Programme Lead, support the work of Scope’s Assembly and communication with the wider membership.
  4. inform the Membership Programme Lead in case of any change that would stop you from contributing to the work of Scope’s Assembly.

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